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Solar in Massachusetts is about to boom due to the new bill signed in March by Governor Charlie Baker in a commitment to achieve Net Zero emissions in 2050. This new bill comes in on the tails of other states such as New York, passing bills and creating solar incentives for a greener future. 

Here’s everything you need to know about the new Massachusetts climate law, how it will benefit solar installers in the state, and how to make the most out of it.

What is the New Massachusetts Climate Law?

Senate Bill 9 – An Act Creating a Next Generation Roadmap for Massachusetts Climate Policy was signed into law on March 26th, 2021, and includes goals for emissions as well as protections for Environmental Justice communities in Massachusetts. This includes voluntary building codes for municipalities as well as updating the state’s energy goals to a commitment to hit Net Zero emissions by 2050. 

Bill 9 will also ensure that the SMART program, a long-term sustainable solar incentive program sponsored by Eversource, National Grid and Unitil, will favor solar installations in low-income and minority communities, opening up a whole new clientele for solar installers to work with. 

Finally, the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) will be spending an extra $12 million a year on workforce development for the clean energy industry. This means easier access to training for new solar installers entering the field.

How the Massachusetts Climate Law Benefits Solar Installers

With this law comes news that “utilities are now required to meet at least 40% percent of their customers’ needs with new renewable energy by 2030.”, which is a huge positive for commercial and residential solar installers operating in the state. 

PV systems and other renewable energy sources can be expected to continue to be a great choice for homeowners in the state since this new law opens up room for energy efficiency programs and incentives to help reduce the cost of a solar panel installation. This means that you have even more selling points in your arsenal to help close solar deals and install more systems. 

Any new incentive or law created with the goal of improving our overall climate situation always tends to work in favor of companies in the renewable energy sector, especially solar installation companies as they are often the first thing homeowners and businesses think of when it comes to clean energy. 

How to Make the Most out of the Massachusetts Climate Law

Solar installers in Massachusetts can expect an increase in calls and quote requests in the next few months as interest in solar panels begins to ramp up in the state, on top of the usual ramp-up in business for the summer solar season. 

 When pitching to a homeowner, solar installers can explain that due to this new law, there really isn’t a better time to go solar than the present. Explain the benefits of clean energy and how their own system will be contributing to this new Net Zero-emission plan.

Have a homeowner that doesn’t really care about the environmental impact? There are always incentives to fall back on such as the Investment Tax Credit (ITC), Residential Renewable Energy Income Tax Credit that are sure to help them open their wallets once they see their savings. 

All this new business also means that you’ll need a way to handle more proposals and solar deals than ever before. By choosing a solar proposal software and design tool like Solargraf, you can be confident that you’ll be able to easily ramp up your business and stay organized when business ramps up. 

In Closing

Now that it’s clear that Massachusetts is about to have one of the best solar seasons of all time due to this new policy, it’s important to make sure you have a solar proposal software to help with all the new business. 

With the easiest-to-use design tool on the market, fully customizable proposal, project and team management capabilities, easy financing, best-in-class permits and stamps, and more, Solargraf has all you need to capitalize on the new Massachusetts climate law. 

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