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Solar critics often use misinformation to dismiss solar power as something marginal.

In our previous post, we focused on on tips for improving solar sales. Today we will be looking at how to handle solar panel misconceptions.

Environmental concerns and the decreasing cost of installation and maintenance have contributed to a spectacular increase in the use of solar panels in recent years. But despite the technology’s continued acceptance by homeowners as a viable energy source, there remain some persistent misconceptions about solar that undermine the confidence of some consumers. In this article, we will focus on the proper way to discredit five common falsehoods to better improve your chances of closing a sale.

1 – The benefits of solar energy only occur in hot areas

Solar critics often use misinformation to dismiss solar power as something marginal. For example, solar only functions in hot climates. As a consequence, prospects may insist that they do not live in an area that is suitably arid for panels.

Don’t rely on facts when you meet this type of resistance. Customers do not want to hear how Germany is an international solar leader even though it is located further north than Massachusetts. Explaining how panels convert light into energy extremely well even in colder climates won’t make much of a difference either. So, instead of demonstrating your superior knowledge about the technology, transform the momentum of the conversation with a rebuttal that appeals to a prospect’s pocketbook. That’s why the following answer will provide you a better chance of keeping the conversation going and potentially closing a sale.

I understand why you might believe that it isn’t hot enough, some of my happiest customers used to think the same way. Since I helped them reduce their energy bill by more than 20% and add extra resale value to their home, their opinion has changed.

2 – Panels do not work at night

Okay, energy panels require daylight, that’s a no-brainer. However, you are still going to hear prospects dismiss solar because they are rarely home during the day.

Just keep in mind that the objective of a sales call or a door-to-door campaign is to engage potential clients, and learn what might motivate them to consider solar. So instead of playing the role of educator, and risk annoying the prospect, respond to this type of dismissal by appealing once again to their bottom line:

Sir/Madam, it is true, panels do not work at night. But did you know that solar panels are working to save you money all day long, even when you’re not home?

If the curiosity of the prospect is piqued, it will allow you the opportunity to explain how the surplus energy that solar panels create when the sun is shining down is credited back to their household.

3 – Too many cloudy days

The notion that solar panels do not work on cloudy days is a half-truth. Certainly, energy creation may be less, but as notes, solar panels generate about 10 – 25% of their normal power output on a cloudy day. So when you hear a client dismiss solar because they live in a rainy area, acknowledge their concerns.

Sir/Madam you’re absolutely correct that your panels will not produce as much electricity as panels installed in sunnier climes. But they can still provide you with enormous savings. Take homeowners in San Francisco for example: although the coastal city has an average of 108 foggy days a year, panels in San Francisco are increasingly popular because they still help residents offset the steady rise in energy rates.

4 – They are too expensive for average households

Many consumers are reluctant to install solar panels because they believe the costs are too high. But a 2016 U.S. Department of Energy report notes that since 2008, the cost of installing panels has dropped 54%. This has occurred both because the price of manufacturing solar systems continues to drop, and because for the moment, interesting government tax credits and rebates are available.

In response to this type of client rebuttal, answer succinctly. Did you know that in 2019 there is a 30% tax rebate to help you offset the costs of solar? But that credit is going to drop down to 22% next year. So there has never been a better time to invest in solar.

Solar panels are an eyesore

Having a more energy-efficient dwelling is appealing, but some homeowners may be worried that panels will undermine their property’s’ value. When it comes to this type of objection you don’t need to say a thing. Although it may sound cliché, in this case, a picture really is worth a thousand words.

That’s why the unique solar installation software, Solargraf, is so handy. Designing an installation has never been so fast or easy. This unique software integrates the highest quality HD imagery through partnerships with Nearmap and Eagleview to generate the exact layout, direction, and measurements of a homeowner’s roof. Just enter an address to automatically access their utilities data, design a system for any roof, and create a compelling quote – all in under 60 seconds!

The client is sure to be more than impressed by the state-of-the-art design that you provide them. Especially when the design proposal features sleek panels that blend seamlessly with the surrounding roof.

In closing

Dealing with the misconceptions of prospects is par for the course when trying to sell solar. When you hear potential clients insist that they live in an area that isn’t warm or sunny enough for panels, they aren’t home during the day to benefit, or they insist that panels are too unsightly or expensive, being prepared for such rejoinders with succinct, honest answers that impress a prospect with your professionalism will go a long way towards winning them over.

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