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Even though solar panel technology has been around for decades, solar carports have only been in use for around 10 years, with the first major install dating back to October 2010. A solar panel carport has many benefits that are entirely distinct from those offered by other kinds of solar array installations, despite the technology being much the same as a rooftop or ground-mounted solar system. 

Read on to learn more about residential and commercial solar panel carports, why property owners benefit from them, and why every solar company should consider adding solar carport installation to their list of services. 

The Benefits of Solar Carports for Residential and Commercial Property Owners 

One of the biggest benefits of solar carports for property owners is that they don’t need to find any more space to install their systems. Big businesses already have large parking lots with full sun exposure all day, and homeowners have another option besides having the land space for a traditional ground-mounted system, or the ideal south-facing roof surface for a rooftop solar array.  

 Parking lots are no longer a cost-sink of empty space that can only be used for one thing anymore. Adding a solar canopy not only increases the value and aesthetics of the space, but users of the parking lot benefit from the shade created by the now covered parking, while their cars are protected from the elements and stay cooler outside of the direct sunlight while they work or shop.  

 Homeowners who install a small carport structure over their driveway also benefit from the additional use of their parking space while their car also stays cleaner and out of direct sunlight. Adding lighting to the underside of the solar canopy also helps to increase curb appeal and brighten up the driveway.   

The Benefits for Solar Companies who Install Solar Carports 

The ability to be flexible in terms of what you can offer to your customers is a great way to stay ahead of the competition. Adding a third mounting solution to your proposal (tip: use Solargraf’s good, better, best feature to display up to three different proposals/prices/panel configurations on a single quote) sets your solar company up as your own competition, reducing the likelihood that the homeowner will continue to shop around.  

With electric vehicle adoption increasing at lightning speed, a solar carport can also be installed to generate the power needed to charge a homeowner’s car, which is a great selling point for homeowners looking to fully “greenify” their lives and reduce emissions in multiple areas of their day-to-day. If a homeowner has the space, offering a solar canopy option on their proposal can get solar salespeople a quick and easy upsell on their system.  

Solar carports are also incredibly easy to maintain. Since the solar panels can be installed at any angle, they are often tilted enough to allow any rain or snow to roll off the panels instead of collecting it. Since they’re not up on a roof, solar panels on canopies are also much easier to service if the owner ever requires your assistance with any issues concerning the system.  

Why you Should Start Installing Solar Carports 

Interest in solar carports is booming in 2022. Large-scale installations are constantly popping up in the news as big companies and corporations begin to make the transition to renewable energy. From schools to large stores such as Walmart and Ikea, to large corporate campuses and data centers like Apple and Facebook, the opportunity to win a contract for a large carport installation would be a huge milestone for any solar company.  

Sure, any reputable solar company can offer a quote for a rooftop solar installation, but the ability to scale that up to a full roof and solar panel carport job and increase the buyer’s solar production to reach a 100% offset or higher is ultimately a better deal for all parties involved. The institution gets their name featured in the news when they hit net zero emissions right next to your company’s name, giving you free press and credibility.  

The same fact goes for residential solar jobs, if your company has the ability to extend a rooftop solar project out to a carport, you’re most likely to win the contract once the homeowner sees the benefits of having both. You’ll also be able to take the contracts other solar installers might turn down due to a less than ideal roof or sun exposure situation elsewhere.  

Finally, interest in solar carports has increased dramatically over the last few years, and the market size is predicted to increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) 0.2% from 2021 to 2026, making now the best time to consider installing solar canopies.  

In Closing 

With interest in solar panel carports skyrocketing, more large companies looking to use solar power to offset their costs and go green will be looking for reputable solar companies to handle their large contracts. Additionally, homeowners are beginning to catch wind of these innovative systems for their own properties.  

Using Solargraf, solar installers can quote for solar carports as easily as they can put together a quote for a rooftop or ground-mounted solar system. Handle solar panel carport quotes with ease by drawing them in a few clicks, generate a full proposal with Good, Better, Best options, apply for financing, order permits, and more!   

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